Local Appliance Rentals Dandenong

Why wait when you can rent it now!

Local Appliance Rentals helps you get what you want today! Our team is dedicated to providing customers with brand new, high quality products that meet their needs and circumstances. We pride ourselves on the service we provide our customers, from the initial contact through to the end of the rental term.

Local Appliance Rentals is a locally based furniture and household appliance rental business. Our wide range of products include: TVs, computers, game consoles, home entertainment systems, stereos, coffee tables, dining tables, fridges, freezers, microwaves, washers, dryers, air conditioners, beds, baby furniture, BBQs, outdoor furniture, fitness equipment, kids' play equipment, and much more.

So how does it work?

Call us on 0439 009 228 or email dandenong@localappliancerentals.com.au
and tell us what you want to rent. We will take down your application over the phone and let you know how much your fortnightly repayments will be.

I will personally visit your home with a Rental Agreement, along with the relevant forms to set up your payments. All you have to do is is have a recent income statement available and photo ID,to sign the contract.

Once we the contract is signed, periodic payments are set up and we have received your first payment we will order your goods. In most cases we will order from stores in the Greater Dandenong area. This means you get your goods sooner and we are supporting local business.

Local business